Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 52
Daily Diary
Tuesday 8th August – Day 52
Last day alarm goes off a 4 am, and last day to set up.
Busy, as it is Tuesday and all the vans are across the road.
Made worse as, for the first time in days, Uri does not appear at 5 am (slept in and arrives at 7 am). And also a lap recorder sleeps in.
There is also a drizzle in the air, so large umbrellas for lap recorders and hard work keeping lap sheets dry.
But at 2 mins to 6 am we are ready and off they go for the last day.
The drizzles clears soon and another great running day unfolds.
Today continually the questions are asked :
When will Harita finish and will she go on the 13 laps to 5000 kms?
Will Yolanda finish and will they let her go on the 5000 kms?
Harita finishes in 51 days 12 hrs 48 mins 14 seconds and goes on to 5000 kms

Yolanda and coach are asked, early morning, if they are aware of the importance of 5000 kms, they are, but no indication if she will or wants to go on to 5000 kms.
Her coach leaves at midday to return to Australia, leaving her daughter and friend to crew her to the finish.
Yolanda finishes in 51 days 17 hrs 00 mins 13 seconds just less than one hour to midnight – she does not want to continue to 5000 kms.
Both girls receive a fantastic reception and much celebrations.
The initial work to make safe the course and vans safe means I reach my bed at 1:45 am and have to return at 7 am to complete the full dismantling of the course.
Crew Chief
Race Links
Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Race Charts: Race charts and statistics
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 52 Yolanda’s Finish
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 52 Harita’s Finish
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos
Sri Chinmoy’s website: Sri Chinmoy.org
Previous Posts
Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 50 – Alan Young
Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 1 – Alan Young
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