The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2023 starts on August 30th at 6am, and continues for 52 days, finishing on October 20th.
The race which takes place on .5488 mile loop around a sports field, playground, and high school has been extensively covered by media around the world, including the BBC, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.
The following runners have been accepted for the 2023 race with a revord number of women starters and five debutants amongst the men:
-Andrea Marcato, Italy
-Milan Javornicky, Czech Republic
-Adrian Papuc, Romania
-Mahasatya Janczak, Poland
-Stutisheel Lebedev, Ukraine
-Ananda-Lahari Zuscin, Slovakia
-Yang Huang-Lan, Taiwan
-Lo Wei-Ming, Taiwan
-Vasu Duzhiy, Russia
-Jason Lester, USA
-Susan Marshall, New Zealand
-Kaneenika Janakova, Slovakia
-Tsai Wen-Ya, Taiwan
-Harita Davies, New Zealand
More info: https://3100.srichinmoyraces.org/
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