Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 50 – Alan Young

Harita Davie
Harita Davie at 3000 miles Photo by Alan Young

Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 50

Daily Diary
Sunday 6th Aug day 50

Yet another cool morning and cool day, giving superb running conditions.
Now that the first 3 have finished, there is a much quieter feel to the morning.
There is also a feeling that this is a “working” day for the next two runners as they have almost three more days chasing lap after lap.
It is a better day for Harita with a solid 113 laps and a sequence of 7 better than 109 laps per day. This has given her a cushion of around 4 hours to finish in two days time.
However Yolanda drops to 110 laps and makes things a little tighter for her. Needing now 221 laps over 2 days to finish in 24 hours.
Andrey has his best ever day with 128 laps (70.246 miles)
Although down to 7 runners and only 2 of these will finish, there seems to be more effort being made from staff, lap counters and crews to up the quality even higher.
The event continues to astound even after 50 days.

Crew Chief

Race Links

Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Live webcam
Race Charts: Race charts and statistics
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 50 Nirbhasa… Just An Experience
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos
Sri Chinmoy’s website: Sri The home of multiday running news and events.

About Alan Young 30 Articles
Alan Young is in New York at the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 and is sending news from the race from his unique position as Crew Chief. Alan has been crewing top athletes in ultra and multiday events for many years and had planned to crew for William Sichel who withdrew at the last minute as his wife, Elizabeth, had cancer and who passed away two weeks into the race. From his trackside role Alan is able to share his thoughts and insights on the runners and along with daily interviews by Utpal Marshall at, will help provide access to all online data of life at the race.

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