Across The Years 2013 – Updates Day 2

Photo by Across The Years 2013
Womens leader, Liz Bauer Photo by Across The Years 2013

The Across The Years 6 Day race is just past the 48 hour point in Phoenix, AZ. The race started the 28th of December and the event also features 24, 48 and 72 hour races.

Currently Joe Fejes is leading the 6 day field 20 km ahead of Yiannis Kouros. Ed Ettinghaus is in third and William Sichel from Scotland is in fourth place having set a handful of age group records already.

Liz Bauer leads the women’s race with 10 km or so over Vikena Kutz who won the 72 hour race in 2012. Martina Hausmann, who has run more miles at ATY than anyone else is in third place.


Pos Name Km Time
Men  6 Day Race
1 Joe Fejes 363.24 49:19:44
2 Yiannis Kouros 353.11 49:33:37
3 Ed Ettinghausen 324.38 49:19:44
Women  6 Day Race
1 Liz Bauer 265.25 49:28:32
2 Vikena Yutz 256.8 49:35:14
3 Martina Hausmann 201.05 49:23:56

In the 72 hour event 40 % of the starters are women which is a relatively high percentage, definitely the highest I have ever seen at such an event.

Leading the race is Canadian Marylou Corino who ran 253 miles at 3 Days at the Fair in May this year and also won the Self-Transcendence 24 Hour Race in Ottawa in September with 122 miles.

Leading man is Michael Miller in second  and British multiday runner Rasmivan Collinson is in third palce.

Pos Name Km Time
Men 72 Hour Race
1 Michael Miller 192.6 27:36:52
2 Davy Crockett 165.57 27:32:53
3 Rasmivan Collinson 163.88 27:26:56
Women 72 Hour Race
1 Marylou Corino 192.6 27:25:26
2 Annabel Hepworth 185.84 27:31:18
3 Tamyka Bell 172.33 27:00:43

Live Results
Race website
Aravaipa Running on Facebook
William Sichel’s blog The home of multiday running news and events.

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