Scott Williamson on The Pacific Crest Trail

Yesterday’s New York Times Outdoors section featured an article about Scott Williamson who should finish a PCT yo-yo in the next few weeks. He began at the Mexican border on May 22 reaching Canada Aug 18 – 2,650 miles and then turned around and began the long trek South.
Williamson is no stranger to the PCT having walked its length 8 times already and has covered other trails including the Appalachian Trail, the Florida Trail and the Continental Divide.
All this walking has made Williamson a familiar figure to the hiking community and a documentary featuring his and four other hikers journeys will provide insight into this solitary lifestyle
The Times quotes him as saying “When I first started doing it, it was just something I enjoyed. As time has gone by, I’ve found it gives people inspiration”. have a podcast of an interview with Scott Williamson that talks about his journey. The home of multiday running news and events.

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