Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 7 – Alan Young

runners gear drying in the wind
Photo by Alan Young

Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 7

Daily Report
Sat 24th June
By 00:45 all is decamped and stored away. Bipin is on “security” duty tonight.
In bed by 1 am.
Up at 4 am for the usual shower and shave.
Arrive at race 5 am and now it is getting smoother and smoother setting things up.
However as we start at 6 am very dark clouds appear and the heavens open, and boy does if rain “stair rods” till 9:30 am. Not only does this make it difficult for the runners, it is doubly difficult for the lap recorders and managing the drinks / food station and of course the minders.
But quickly the skies turn blue and a strong drying wind allows shoes and gear to dry out. Eventually the wind really strengthens, and the search is on for missing socks/ hats/ insoles etc etc that have taken off. AHH the old trick – a stone in a box on the runners table keeps Nirbhasa Magee’s things all safe. He does not have a crew so I have been asked to help out when I am free.
The day continues to be sunny and windy.
37, Dublin, Ireland
Is a computer analyst, web-site planner and manager. Perhaps surprised many in 2015 by completing the race in 51d 12 h 12 m 13 s. A small, very tough former boxer in his youth, has tremendous inner steel about him. However he is always last to make the start time, and just to say that I have seen tidier people. !!!
But he is straight into his running, no warm up lap here.
1 h. 7 laps
2h 15 laps
3h 21 laps
4h 29 laps
Break 4:50:48 to 5:22:08
6h 40 laps
7 h 47 laps
8 h 54 laps
9 h 62 laps
Break 9:20:50 to 9:58:20
10 h 65 laps
11h 72 laps
12 h 80 laps
13 h 87 laps
Break 13:40:39 to 14:11:55
14 h 92 laps
15 h 99 laps
16 h 107 laps
17 h 114 laps
18 h 120 laps
Total  120 laps.
This is roughly his progress today.
Crew Chief

Latest Scoreboard

Men Day 7
1 Vasu Duzhiy 483
2 Nirbhasa Magee 468
3 Smarana Puntigam 428
4 Sergey Kuzmin 396
5 Andrey Andreev 388
6 Ananda-Lahari Zuscin 382
1 Kaneenika Janakova 427
2 Harita Davies 425
3 Yolanda Holder 417
4 Nidhruvi Zimmerman 409

Race Links

Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 7:Seeking Motivation
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos The home of multiday running news and events.

About Alan Young 30 Articles
Alan Young is in New York at the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 and is sending news from the race from his unique position as Crew Chief. Alan has been crewing top athletes in ultra and multiday events for many years and had planned to crew for William Sichel who withdrew at the last minute as his wife, Elizabeth, had cancer and who passed away two weeks into the race. From his trackside role Alan is able to share his thoughts and insights on the runners and along with daily interviews by Utpal Marshall at, will help provide access to all online data of life at the race.

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