Latest notes from Race Director Sahishnu Szcsesiul on the race website:
Day 49
On a crisp, clear, breezy evening, Kaneenika Janakova,47, of Bratislava, Slovakia finished the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race in 48 days+14:24:10, breaking the recent women’s record set by Austrian legend Surasa Mairer by 17 hours and six minutes. Kaneenika’s performance was striking in how she dominated not only the lady competitors, but also how she rivaled the men, while finishing second overall, and setting event records for the ladies from 4000km right to the finish. She transcended her own best time for 3100 miles by two days plus 17 hours, climbing to the top of the women’s rankings, and moving from 30th place to 21st overall.
Nirbhasa Magee, a native of Dublin, Ireland finished second man, third overall in a personal best time of 48 days+16:47:01. He was two days plus 19 hours faster than his previous effort in 2015. He climbs in the 3100 mile rankings from 33rd place to 22nd. He is still the only Irish runner to ever complete the 3100.
Harita Davies and Yolanda Holder are still trending towards finishing on Tuesday evening, before the midnight end game. Harita ran 60.91 miles, and Yolanda stopped with 63.11. They have become the crowd favorites as they have defied the odds by placing themselves in position to finish the longest race.
Harita Davies-2900 miles- 48+09:03:40
Yolanda Holder-2900 miles- 48+13:06:13
Smarana Puntigam-2700 miles- 48+11:47:35
Andrey Andreev-2600 miles- 48+13:01:58
Race Links
Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Live webcam
Race Charts: Race charts and statistics
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 48 Victory Supreme
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos
Sri Chinmoy’s website: Sri Chinmoy.org
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