Big Dog Backyard Ultra 2013

Big Backyard Ultra 2013The Big Dog Backyard Ultra entry form is available for those interested. A unique experience in Tennessee on a 4 mile loop until you can’t run any more – last person standing wins.

What: This is a different sort of Ultramarathon, where neither the time, nor the distance is predetermined. The race will take place on a 4-mile trail loop. Beginning at 7:00 AM on October 19, 2013, a single loop race will take place at every hour, on the hour. Runners failing to complete a 4-miler within an hour will be timed out. Runners failing to make the start in any hour will be eliminated. The winner will be the last man (or woman) able to complete a loop within the time limit.

When: Start 0700 October 19, 2013: Finish determined by the last man standing

Where: 5125 Millersburg Rd, Bell Buckle, TN 37020

Why: for an intriguing new challenge in ultrarunning

Fee: $50 (not refundable)

Entry Limit: 50

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