– Transcontinental USA Running, Walking, Crossing

Posted on the Ultralist:
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:42:51 -0700
From: John Wallace III
Subject: Introducing – transcontinental usa running, walking, crossing

Hello intrepid ultrarunners (by definition or not),

I’ve created a separate website with appropriate domain name ( to promote and archive transcontinental USA crossings. At least 3 or 4 emails come in weekly (doesn’t sound like a lot but it is!) from former crossers, upcoming crossers, family of crossers and fellow researchers of crossers. It continues to give me great joy to help others showcase their attempts and provide a resource for the many, many people that like to follow along.

We might not approach 2008’s numbers of 19 crossers but 2010 has at least 13 out on the roads or ready to go later this year. A few have stopped because of financial or injury issues and others have been cancelled. I think there would have been close to 20 attempts this year as well.

I have some updates (Matt Mattingly – NY to SF 1990, 3507 miles, 117 days, age 59) to do on the completed list which will push us above 230 total crossings over the last 100 years. Amazing!

I’m approaching the 6 months to go mark on my crossing ( on 10-10-10. Things kick off at the Boston Marathon where I’m running as a charity runner for the Hoyt Foundation, an amazing organization that works “to integrate disabled people into everyday life by educating the able-bodied about challenges faced by disabled person”. If you’d like to help out, I’m running uphill with wind in my face with fundraising –

Hope everyone’s running is going well and translates to awesome spring and summer races!

John The home of multiday running news and events.

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