Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race Day 12

Walking wounded

It seems that the runners survived the crazy storm last night and were all back running this morning. There was one exception however to the running part. Vlasto it seems has been walking around for the last 3 days with a foot injury, he keeps pretty much to himself but did tell the Slovak boys that he had a sore tendon in his left foot. When I ran by there this afternoon they asked me to take a look at it. On first sight it was pretty obvious to me that he had an infection in the small toe on his left foot. This was confirmed by a local nurse who stopped by the race to take a look, rest and antibiotics was prescribe, so he left the course early today. Hopefully to return tomorrow feeling much better.

Weather cooler with some light rain throughout the evening. The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Hey Chanakhya,

    Thank you for your timely reports on the 3100. Also, good to see your name in results from recent Pioneer Memorial Trek.

    Somehow I got one of your children’s books at the 6 day, but I can’t find it at the moment (my house looks like an antiques barn full of junk) so my kids and I have not yet read it.

    Hope and plan to be out on the 3100 course running in a few weeks. Bob O. and I are worried we may not be able to go the pace that Aalto is keeping up!

    Best wishes from Texas,
    Mark D

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