Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 Day Races 2013 Update 210 Hours

Scoreboard Self-Transcendence10 & 6 Day Photo Alan Young
Scoreboard Self-Transcendence10 & 6 Day Photo Alan Young

The Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 Day Races 2013 Update 210 Hours 40 Mins

Into the final 30 hours of the 10 day race – still a long way to go when you are tired and aching. Alan Young has been sending these photos of the scoreboard which show some  progression from the official standings. Martin Fryer remains clear at the top and Ananda-Lahari Zuscin has a firm grip on second place while Volodymyr Hlushchuk is having to work to hold Oleksandr Kharko at bay.

Irishman Nirbhasa Magee lies in fifth place in this, his multiday debut – an excellent performance so far.

The race is replete with ups and downs. Fred Davis III put in a 60 mile day yesterday after a 1 mile day and fellow American has also rallied over the last few days to keep the miles adding up.

In the ladies race, Kaneenika Janakova has maintained consistency to stretch her lead on a day by day basis over Ilvaka Nemcova and Shamita Achenbach-Konig second only to Martin Fyer overall.

Checkout Utpal’s posts at the links below. He is able to chat with some of the runners  who share some of their joy and suffering as with New York legend Luis Rios in Everything Is Possible and has little sound bites as well as photos each day.


Self-Transcendence 10 Day results available on the Sri Chinmoy Races website:

Sri Chinmoy 10 and 6 Day Race 2013 Photo Gallery

Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Daily stories and photos include these posts: The home of multiday running news and events.

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