Pickled Feet 24/12/6 Hour & 100 Mile Runs 2013 – Race Report and Results

pickled feet 2013 ultramarathon Headquarters
HQ at Eagle Island State Park by Allen Sandquist

The Pickled Feet 24/12/6 Hour & 100 Mile Runs 2013 took place starting on the 29th March at Eagle Island State Park, 8 miles west of Boise, Idaho. The race directors kindly sent a report and the event results.

Contrary to weather that would normally be expected at the end of March in Idaho, the weekend of the second running of the Pickled Feet events radiated with sunshine and dry warmth, albeit downright chilly just before dawn for the 24 Hour and 100 mile runners. Last year’s event hosted 31 runners for 12 and 24 Hour events. For 2013, we added a 6 Hour and a 100 Mile, for 4 events, with the 12 Hour having a Day or Night option. Thanks to our stellar venue at Idaho’s Eagle Island State Park, we were able to host 95 runners from 15 states and one province with ease. Runners made themselves at home in their own tents and canopies and RVs or made use of the event tent provided by the race to set up their gear.

Runners accessed the top-notch aid station in the covered pavilion every 2.5 miles, with pizza served at midnight and breakfast burritos once morning dawned, along with a couple rounds of popsicles in the warm afternoons and Starbucks coffee for the duration. A bountiful Panda Express Chinese food buffet satisfied all of the runners, families, and volunteers late in the afternoon as the race was ending.

The Pickled Feet race consists of a dirt 2.5 mile loop around the park, bordering the beautiful Eagle Island pond and the Boise River on a combination of soft dirt trails and hard packed dirt road. For the last hour or two of each of the timed races, runners had the option of maximizing their mileage by accumulating miles on a separate .3 mile asphalt loop. Both loops are USATF certified, with the big loop measuring exactly 2.5 miles, meaning the 100 mile is a true 100 mile course. Hundred milers complete 40 laps of the course with a generous 32 hour cutoff, making it a very accessible race for runners who cannot navigate extremely mountainous or technical courses with difficult cutoffs.

All runners went away with nice tech tees and packets, and all finishers received laser engraved Pickled Feet medals. Post-race, all runners achieving the designated ‘milestones’ for each event get customized clothing items, with personalized buckles for the 100 milers. Top finishers in each event received the Idaho State Champion designation with a plush “Spuddy Buddy” potato trophy and a prize packet from  The Pulse Running & Fitness in Meridian, Idaho. Two runners received the race directors’ prerogative awards: Baked Potato (Jeff Black for his repeated revivals and continuations) and Hot Potato (Gary Holloway for upgrading on race day from the 12 hour to the 100 mile and finishing with a smile). This race is part of the Scott Sports Idaho Trail Ultra Series lineup (www.idahotrailultraseries.com), and all runners received schwag from Scott Sports. We also had a tremendous raffle and other support provided by our sponsors: The Pulse Running & Fitness, Scott Sports, Hammer Nutrition, Blessing Plumbing, Allen Sandquist Photography, Springhill Suites by Marriott, Sign Hype, Eagle Island State Park, The Idaho Potato Commission, Rolling H Cycles, The Cascade Project, Dennis Ahern Woodworking, Mark Colton of Planet Tees, Epi Saldana laser engraving, Jeremy Jackson of Double J Ironworks, and Starbucks.

I would like to share a Good Things list from one of our runners Marsha White:

  • It was exceptionally well-organized and efficient, from the information on the website to packet pickup to last minute details.
  • There were great people here – the race directors were extremely helpful, all of the volunteers were wonderful, and the other runners and walkers were amazingly supportive and friendly. I think there must be a test for cheerfulness in order to move into Idaho. Everyone we met – at the hotel, in stores and restaurants, at the airport, and at the race itself – was polite, helpful, and gracious. Maybe it is the beautiful setting or something in the water, but it sure was great to be surrounded by such terrific people. I hope to return to Idaho to race here again.
  • The wide selection of race options meant there was something for everyone; there was even a 6 hour option for people who only wanted to spend a short time on the trail.
  • The course was well-marked and fairly flat (but watch out for those rocks!).
  • Food and drink were plentiful.
  • Indoor restrooms were a blessing.
  • The host hotel was convenient and inexpensive.

Bad things about this race: Nothing, really.


Check out Pickled Feet Ultra Running at www.pickledfeetultras.com. Next up is the Silver City Endurance Runs on June 22, 2013 (100, 55k, 30k), mountainous courses about 2 hours south of Boise in the Owyhee Mountains near the historic mining town of Silver City.


100 Mile

Place First Last Age Sex Time
1 Jake Renz 28 M 20:57:21.506
2 Lynette McDougal 45 F 23:20:17.530
3 Jon Kinzer 34 M 24:59:38.488
4 Quintin Barney 53 M 25:19:22.184
5 John Scott 22 M 26:37:50.220
6 Gary Holloway 51 M 27:47:50.551
7 Ulrich Kamm 65 M 30:30:57.730
8 Lindsay Seals 24 F 31:39:22.681

24 Hour

Place First Last Age Sex Time Miles
1 Tony Huff 46 M 23:56:08.261 117.1
2 Dennis Ahern 54 M 23:59:09.135 110.4
3 Paul Lindauer 51 M 23:59:10.706 103.6
4 Christine Kollar 29 F 23:57:17.438 102.9
5 Leon Rothstein 56 M 23:59:06.019 100.3
6 Derek Call 35 M 23:08:07.920 100
7 Jeff Black 42 M 23:59:36.183 89.8
8 Amy King 37 F 23:58:55.519 84.5
9 Tom Walsh 52 M 18:22:39.462 82.5
10 Steve Kissell 51 M 23:58:13.416 80.8
11 David Barrett 51 M 18:43:07.103 75.2
12 Rachael Bazzett 24 F 23:53:45.189 73.1
13 Christie Ebenroth 40 F 23:59:50.211 62.6
14 April Wilbur 35 F 15:25:59.020 62.5
15 Tiffany Wilson 33 F 17:53:00.654 62.5
16 George Velasco 59 M 22:52:09.356 62.5
17 Tom Crockford 50 M 21:34:51.950 60
18 Gary Kissell 40 M 22:56:52.604 57.5
19 Karl Jensen 63 M 11:34:11.982 50
20 John Rademacher 39 M 14:26:34.491 50
21 Ryan Walker 39 M 14:26:39.211 50
22 Michelle Anderson 38 F 21:31:10.935 50
23 Max Welker 70 M 11:06:27.424 40
24 Dondi Black 44 F 23:10:07.246 40
25 Phyllis Welker 61 F 11:02:46.574 35
26 Jeffrey Vieyra 66 M 7:44:15.319 30
27 Wayne Ebenroth Jr 11 M 21:38:19.612 27.5
28 Frank Morris 31 M 5:05:00.362 25
29 Michael Chrisman 47 M 7:25:10.784 25
30 Jason Walz 41 M 5:48:53.729 22.5
31 Wayne Ebenroth 38 M 7:39:46.705 22.5

12 Hour

Place First Last Age Sex Time Miles
1 Dallas Trople 43 M 11:50:59.183 65.2
2 Julie Tinney 42 F 11:40:20.847 63.7
3 John Hoenemier 42 M 11:28:19.817 57.8
4 John Buzansky 51 M 11:57:52.384 56.5
5 Bow Angemi 39 M 11:53:37.496 53.4
6 Sam Collier 60 M 11:59:18.155 52.7
7 Lee Parsons 50 M 9:40:12.469 52.5
8 Kara John 25 F 11:57:14.196 52.5
9 Mariah Crump 39 F 11:59:22.058 51.5
10 Seth Elsheimer 60 M 11:57:59.925 51.4
11 Sam Severson 38 M 11:59:59.879 51.2
12 Jenny Stinson 53 F 11:56:32.407 50.5
13 Billie Leinum 0 F 11:56:59.461 50.2
14 John Hall 36 M 11:31:56.180 50
15 Jeff Stowell 51 M 11:30:19.069 47.5
16 Daniel Barrett 27 M 11:30:43.254 47.5
17 Ray Ramirez 34 M 11:57:41.823 46.8
18 Tina Hamilton 52 F 11:57:28.016 46.4
19 David Overton 46 M 11:38:27.421 43.1
20 Michael Prohl 16 M 10:16:01.630 42.5
21 Marsha White 65 F 11:56:30.955 41.6
22 Linda Weiss 49 F 11:57:32.618 41.2
23 Jane Updegrove 63 F 11:30:17.727 40.3
24 Chere Ostolasa 39 F 11:56:23.382 40.1
25 Valerie Block 46 F 11:56:24.884 40.1
26 Tim Jacobson 34 M 6:42:18.456 32.5
27 Sparkle Paterson 52 F 7:44:08.642 32.5
28 Amy Hays 38 F 8:05:45.467 32.5
29 Joyce Gebhardt 60 F 9:04:59.722 32.5
30 Mary Graeff 71 F 9:56:32.095 32.5
31 Hoyt Michener 46 M 7:18:10.186 25
32 Marcie Bettys 33 F 9:12:08.795 22.5
33 Lori Neves 53 F 5:47:36.201 20
34 Rosalyn Chrenka 59 F 5:22:39.402 15

6 Hour

Place First Last Age Sex Time Miles
1 Raymond Mullenax M 46 5:58:06.403 34.9
2 Steven Beale M 31 5:58:10.900 34.9
3 Serrah West F 29 5:57:40.610 34
4 Andrew Hanson M 36 5:59:04.700 32.1
5 Chad Krosschell M 43 5:54:16.767 31.5
6 Brian Davis M 41 5:54:16.786 31.5
7 Jeff Woody M 49 5:27:05.518 31.2
8 Patricia Robbins F 37 5:58:04.872 31.2
9 Heather Ramsdell F 38 5:58:43.154 28.4
10 Jeremy Humphrey M 33 3:17:01.946 27.5
11 Dan Odonnell M 38 5:19:25.285 27.5
12 Vincent Ma M 43 5:20:15.529 27.5
13 Brandee Schuelke F 38 5:59:33.325 25.9
14 Brandi Bolli F 32 4:48:51.019 25
15 Jean Stage F 61 5:10:37.572 20
16 Joann Marecki F 55 5:57:52.737 18.1
17 Kyle Kitterman M 45 4:27:42.511 17.5


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