How long can you walk?

You like walking non-stop for a loooong time? Then try Extra Mile Endurathon (EME). You get all details for the Boulder/CO event at

It’s a charity event with no entry fee but prize money. You can walk as long as you want or as you can.

Here is how it works: A group of ~25 participants walks non-stop on a 4 mile loop till only 1 walker is left, the winner, who gets $1,000. The last 4 qualify for the EME World Championship in Las Vegas, where the winner gets $10,000.

Short stops for food & drink, restrooms; a 10 minute mandatory stop every loop; no sleep breaks.

Several 100 mile trailrunners already entered, as it’s good training for going through one or more night(s), for being on your feet for a long time.

See you on the trails,

Ulli The home of multiday running news and events.

About Ulrich Kamm 1 Article
Ulli The Walker - 40 Years of finishing 100 Milers Bio (Feb.3, 2008) Personal Data • Born July 29, 1947 in Germany • Moved to the USA: January 11, 1947 • Happily together with wife Traudl for 33 ½ years. She is ultrawalker herself and together we climbed 1341 mountains My Ultras I never run … • First Ultra: May ’66 - 50k walk in an event near Munich/Germany with ~12,000 people • First 50 miler: August ’68 – Heerlen/Holland • First 100 miler: September ’68 – “Nijmegen-Rotterdam” in Holland. I wasn’t prepared and didn’t know what was waiting for me. After that I took for a while elevators even for 1 floor, but I did not say “never again” One of my toughest 100 milers … Ultra Statistics • 229 ultras • 157 nights without sleep in these races • The last 20 years 132 ultra races with an average of 78 miles • 6 DNF: Hepatitis and Typhoid with 106 fever, a bone shifted in my leg, and other similar reasons 2 Highlights 1. Becoming “Centurion” in 1989 in 23:03 hours; a judged racewalking event. I waited 21 years to be mentally and physically ready for that. “A Centurion is one who, as an amateur, has walked in competition, in Great Britain, 100 miles within 24 hours”. – Over years I achieved 10 times walking 100 miles under 24 hours 2. Together with Kirk Apt the first to finish “Hardrock 100” 10x Race Director Organized in the USA with Traudl as Co-Director 18 Ultra-Walks and also always led the group. The 2 toughest were 1. “Ultrawalk 200” in 1998: Set a new world best for walking non-stop as a team 200 miles in 67.5 hours. 6 finishers from 4 countries. 2. “Peak to Peak 125” in 2008. 1 finisher (me) in 57 hours under extreme blizzard conditions But also shorter events like “Hike all Day … 50k” or “Walk 50 … Swim 1”. Next one, in May 2008, “ExtraMileEndurathon”. My Favorites That changed over the years … • 100 mi Nijmegen-Rotterdam/Holland (4x) – was for many years my ultimate long distance • 100 km Biel/Switzerland (25x) – an annual “pilgrimage” • “Hardrock 100” – My overall favorite. The ultimate trail race for me • Today “McNaughton 100” (3x) – I just love the course “Laramie 100” (1x) - Family atmosphere, very scenic My Toughest Ultras It’s not possible to say, there are so many criteria that make a race tough. Most climb, roughest trail, highest altitude, worst weather, longest distance, closest cut-off time, longest time without sleep, worst course marking, toughest to finish 100% walking within the cut-off time, … once I had 43 miles no food and drink … What Changed In ’68 there were no … … trail shoes, no good running shoes. Soles were 1/10 inch (2 mm) thick … gels, bars, mineral drinks … comfortable and high-tech running clothes … appropriate equipment … knowledge about how to approach an ultra, how the body reacts, medical aspects, etc. My Ultra Future • There is nothing like walking towards the finish line of a 100 miler … • Meeting cut-off times is getting tougher for me, although in 2007 I still finished 5 100 milers • In 2008 I want to celebrate 40 years of finishing 100 milers with “Moab 100” and “LeanHorse 100” • And next year … some more 100s  My Principles • Don’t take all races serious and have as much fun as possible • Just keep going, never give up Contact [email protected] See you on the trails, Ulli


  1. i want the workotut of long distancy running and about the foods
    give the simple work out ,please send to my mail id ,…

  2. Hi Kanapathiraja,

    I thank you very much for your interest in our long distance walking event “Extra Mile Endurathon” in Boulder/Colorado/USA. You get most information at

    I understand that you have a question regarding food:
    We will stop briefly in regular intervals at places shown on the map (scroll down to get a detailed list)'Food%20To%20Go'%20Places.html
    There you get vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. But you can of course also bring you own food.

    Feel free to ask whenever you have a question.

    We would be happy to have you on our Team for this very special endurance event.

    Many greetings from beautiful Colorado,
    (Ulrich Kamm)

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