Canadian Death Race 2010

The Canadian Death Race is takes place in Grande Cache in the Canadian Rocky mountains on a 125 km course which begins and ends on a 4200 foot plateau, passes over three mountain summits and includes 17,000 feet of elevation change.

This years solo event was won by Hal Koerner in 12:47:21 whilst Ellie Greenwood and Denise McHale took 2nd and 3rd spots overall.
1. Hal Koerner 12:47:21
2. Simon Vincent Donato 15:07:52
3. Kevin Grigg 15:29:55

1. Ellie Greenwood 13:30:21
2. Denise McHale 14:56:36
3. LindaMarie Wilson 17:18:16

Prelimnary team and solo results for the 2010 Canadian Death race 2010 are available on the race website. The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Would you mind if I include a link to your website with respect to the Canadian Death Race? I am building my own page and thought it would be nice to include…

    Let me know

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