Second Annual Great Mississippi River Levee Run 2010

Posted on the Ultralist:

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 08:01:44 -0500
From: Jerry Sullivan
Subject: Second Annual Great Mississippi River Levee Run December 4-5, 2010 By Invitation only

We are planning to hold the second annual Great Mississippi River Levee Run on December 4-5, 2010. The race will begin in front of the old state capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and will conclude at Audubon Park in New Orleans. The race will promptly begin at 6:00 a.m on December 4th. It will be a “fat-ass” type of event and we will offer the following distance options: 50 miles, 100 miles and the full distance of 125 miles.

Participation will be by invitation only.

  • If you wish to secure an invitation, please e-mail me and give me some confidence factor that you will be able to complete the distance you select.
  • Please be prepared to provide your own support for the event.
  • The cut-off time for reaching Audubon Park is 36 hours.
  • The course will be run entirely upon the Mississippi River Levee, with the exception of one short distance where you will run on a paved road through a spillway before retunring to the top of the levee. With the exception of a few miles at the beginning and a little over 23 miles at the end of pavement, the remainder of the course is crushed gravel or dirt.

If anyone is interested in participating in this very low-key but fun event, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. We wil try to get invitations out within the month. This could be a great training run for Ancient Oaks a few weeks later or for upcoming long events next year.

Jerry Sullivan The home of multiday running news and events.

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