Sports Drinks – Home recipes – Matt Bixley

Posted on the Ultralist:

Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 08:24:13 +1200
From: “Bixley, Matthew”
Subject: Drink Recipes

While on the subject of ORS here’s the recipe I use on my long runs. It’s a slightly different formulation but one that is easy to make up and sits well in the stomach. At least it does for me. It does tend to taste like crap unless some from of flavouring is used. I also tend to up the amount of Glucose to a 4-6% solution instead of 2%. It’s very easy to carry in little baggies etc. The mate who sent it to me said it is used by the World Health Organisation (WHO) although I could not find a reference for it on their site.

Glucose 20g or 1.5 tsp honey
sodium chloride 3.5g .5 tsp table salt
sodium bicarbonate 2.5g – .5 tsp baking soda
potassium chloride – .25 tsp or 2 cups orange, apple or other fruit juice
(juice makes it taste better)

Water to 1 litre.

This recipe was taken from:

Steele P. (1991) “Far From Help – Backcountry medical Care”. Seattle:Cloudcap

Matt The home of multiday running news and events.

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