Trans India Run 2012 – Kargil 2 Kanyakumari – Arun Bhardwaj’s 4000 km Record Setting Run

Arun Bhardwaj

Arun BhardwajKargil 2 Kanyakumari

India’s pioneering ultrarunner, Arun Bhardwaj is about to embark on the biggest challenge of his running career: The 4000 km Trans India Run from Kargil in the North to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, the southernmost tip of mainland India.

This massive challenge begins in Kargill on October the first with Arun planning on running 50 km a day in the first section of the route due to the more difficult terrain. Once out of the mountains, the plan is to make up time by covering up to 90 km a day. Having run many ultras and multiday races including the legendary Badwater 135 earlier this year, Arun is up for the challenge but knows that this challenge or anything like it in India has never been attempted before.

Getting a crew together has also been a challenge but in his travels to the various ultras around the world he has taken part in, Arun has met many people and made friends everywhere he goes. Supporting his endeavours on the K2K run will be New York ultrarunner and sports therapist Yuri Esperson and Charlottesville Trail Running Club founder Francesca Conte as well as friends, local supporters and runners all across India who are getting inspired by the scale of Arun’s project.

Arun is always trying to extend himself and set an example for his family and community and this run is just the latest project he has undertaken. Despite his lack of formal training, this 43 year old vegetarian has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the highest ideals and has won the esteem and good wishes of many ultrarunners around the world.

Support and follow Arun via his Facebook page, Run Arun Run The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Hey all I met Arun sir today in Bangalore check out my PB photos hats off to Sir for the cause he is running

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