Wild West Relay 2009 – Newsletter

wild_west_relay_logo_headerHello Runners,

It’s been a busy June with our very successful Green Mountain Relay (http://www.greenmountainrelay.com ) in Vermont this past weekend over the Summer Solstice. Now our attention is focused on the Wild West
Relay ( http://www.wildwestrelay.com ) on August 7th and 8th.

6th Annual Wild West Relay
I’m very happy to announce that due to finding additional parking for a couple of critical exchanges, the cap has been raised from 135 teams to 150! There are currently 136 teams registered which leaves spots for 14 more teams. Late registration begins July 1st with registration closing July17th, so don’t wait until the last minute.

For entry information, please click here (http://www.wildwestrelay.com/entry/index.html ).

Team Matching Message Boards
For those of you interested in running in the Wild West Relay but aren’t on a team, check out the WWR team matching message board (http://www.wildwestrelay.com/phpBB3/ ).

One suggestion – if you are a runner looking for a team to join, post your interest under the heading RUNNER(S) LOOKING FOR A TEAM. Some have posted their interest and availability only under a post from
someone with a team looking for runners. Not every person who is looking to fill their team will go through all the other posts to find available runners so you are limiting your chances of hooking up with a team. So we suggest that you post under the RUNNER(S) LOOKING FOR A TEAM heading as well as responding to an individual post.

Also, if you see a post that interests you, you can click on the email button to email the person directly in addition to leaving a response to their post on the message board.

Thanks again for your support and interest in our relay events. We hope to see you out there.

Volunteers With A Purpose
Giving back to the local communities is very important to us. We figure that, while we limit the size of our relays so as not to overly inconvenience local residents, most of the exchanges that we use are on private property, owned by the county, the town, a business, or even a private individual. We are thrilled that since the inception of our relays through this year, we have passed $100,000 (and may even top $120,000) that has been raised and distributed to participating local non-profit organizations through our ‘Volunteers With A Purpose ( http://www.volunteerswithapurpose.org )’ program.

2010 Green Mountain Relay
The dates for the 2010 GMR will again be the third weekend of June, Saturday – Sunday, June 19th – 20th, near the Summer Solstice. Early-bird registration will open November 1st.

You can now follow our relay races on Twitter (
http://www.twitter.com/timberlineevent ) and our Facebook groups for the GMR (
http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=2367845985 ) and WWR (

We look forward to seeing you out there. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Paul Vanderheiden
Race Director

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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