Wasatch 100 Results 2009

wasatch_logo3The Wasatch 100 mile Endurance run began 5 am Friday 11th September and is usually held in Utah the first Friday and Saturday after Labor Day each year. Starting from Layton, Utah to The Homestead in Midway, Utah the race covers approximately 26,882 feet of gain as well as a cumulative loss of approximately 26,131 feet.

The race starts near the East Mountain Wilderness Park some 17 miles North of Salt Lake City. Race was founded in 1980 and today selection is by lottery and limited to 260 runners. Cut-off is 36 hours.

This years race winners:

Geoff Roes 18:30:55
Karl Meltzer 19:12:05
John Anderson 21:39:17

Betsy Nye 23:15:18
Mandy Hosford 23:25:55
Darla Askew 25:55:48

Wasatch Front 100 website
Twitter updates

Geoff Roes blog
Karl Meltzers blog
Betsy Nye on Facebook

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