Trans-Europe 2009 – Stage 57

tefr09Today is day 57 of 64 days in the Trans Europe race. This 4,500 km event finishes on the Summer solstice, June 21st. First place is still occupied by Rainer Koch as it has been almost since the start. Second and third places are still very close with Takasumi Senoo and René Strosny just 4 minutes apart. In the womens race, Hiroko Okiyama has been suffering with leg injuries since day 43 but due to the enormous lead she built up in the early stages just has to keep going to secure the victory – not an easy week left. Fellow countrywoman Furuyama Takako has been hanging on to second place despite third placed Elke Streicher having won every stage since day 45.
As Russel Secker says in his blog even with a week to go there are no gurantees the 47 remaining runners from the original 68 will make it.
Weather conditions are cold, windy and very wet.

In the last week there have been a number of forced retirals.

Stage 49 – Jenni de Groot
Stage 55 – Mike Friedl
Stage 55 – Fabrice Rosa
Stage 57 – Jörg Koenig

Checkout the daily results at The home of multiday running news and events.

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