Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 20 – Alan Young

Andre and runners
Andre and Runners coming over the hill Photo by Utpal Marshall

Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 – Daily Updates – Day 20

Daily Diary
Friday July 7th

A day of three heavy rain showers and not too warm sunshine.
Now day 20, and runners have either settled in to a good rhythm or still frustratingly searching for some level of comfort or pain they can bear.
Vasu and Nirbhasa for the men and Kaneenika for the women, the leading three seemed to have reached that rhythm. Although a long way to go they look pretty safe to finish. The next group of Smarana, Harita and Yolanda, have all had their issues, but appear to have found a way through them or just able to put up with great discomfort. For the remaining four are slipping worrying below the “red” line of 1193 miles on day 20. Even the “Sichel” line is looking difficult. The “Sichel” line as it is know locally refers to William’s comeback position.

The heavy rain showers certainly played a part in slightly lower mileages. As not only have they to battle against the rain and wind but feet get wet and more time required in their care.

Also the battle between Harita and Yolanda continues with Harita only 2 laps ahead of Yolanda.

Crew Chief

Race Links

Race website: Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race
Race Charts: Race charts and statistics
Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Day 20: Inside the Dream
Yolanda Holder Facebook
Race photos 2017
Sri Chinmoy Ultra race photos
Sri Chinmoy’s website: Sri The home of multiday running news and events.

About Alan Young 30 Articles
Alan Young is in New York at the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2017 and is sending news from the race from his unique position as Crew Chief. Alan has been crewing top athletes in ultra and multiday events for many years and had planned to crew for William Sichel who withdrew at the last minute as his wife, Elizabeth, had cancer and who passed away two weeks into the race. From his trackside role Alan is able to share his thoughts and insights on the runners and along with daily interviews by Utpal Marshall at, will help provide access to all online data of life at the race.

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