San Francisco One Day – Official Results

Posted on the Ultralist:
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:24:11 -0800
Subject: San Francisco One Day – Results

Results for the San Francisco One Day, including 50 mile and 100 mile splits, are listed at:

This inaugural event was simply amazing. The legendary Eric Clifton and a talented local ultrarunner, John Mintz, started aggressively, clocking sub 7 minute/mile pace in the 12-hour
competition. Just before the 29-mile mark, Chikara Omine, a 24-year old and relatively new ultrarunner, passed the leaders of the 12-hour and went on to achieve his goal of completing his first 100 miler in under 16 hours. Chikara decided that was enough, leaving Rob Byrne from the Bay Area and Pekka Aalto of Finland running through the night within minutes of each other.

The women’s race was equally dramatic. Kathy D’onofrio, ever-cheerful and former winner of Western States, ran her typical fast pace and built a seemingly insurmountable lead. After completing 83 miles in 14:41, however, Kathy stopped with stomach problems. Over 4 hours later, Jennifer Ray and Catra Corbett, passed Kathy’s mark and, just as the men’s leaders were doing, ran within minutes of one another for the remaining 5 hours.

Many other runners ran their first ultramarathon (including our 11-year old son, Aaron), qualified for Western States, or ran farther than ever before. All in all, it was a great day (and night) at Crissy Field.

We look forward to Fall 2007 and the second annual San Francisco One Day.

Wendell and Sarah

Pacific Coast Trail Runs The home of multiday running news and events.

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