New Race Entry & Calendar Format

Great news!!

There is a new calendar on the website:

Thanks to Richard Bull and Googledocs, it’s now possible to submit your own race information in the newly located Entry form and have it entered into the spreadsheet that runs the calendar. It still won’t appear immediately because after an addition of site caching solutions. It still needs to be re-sorted to put the event in the correct place (if anyone knows how I can automate this this it would be a great help) and of course I still have to check that people aren’t submitting links to things other than races.

However this will drastically reduce the amount of time I have to spend on the calendar updates when an event is submitted – my archaic methods took forever and consequently events will appear a lot sooner.

Some things remain. Every year we have to enter a new date so until we can figure that one out, race organisers have to visit once a year. But its worth it as its free and a fairly popular resource – the calendar is usually the most visited page on the site.

Many thanks for your support in making this website what it is today.

Best wishes,

Abichal The home of multiday running news and events.

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