Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset (MS2S) 2016

mongolia sunrise to sunset
Beautiful sunrise accompanies the runners along the lake

Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset 2016: Only few spots left for the race!


  • The 18th Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset42km and 100km trail run (MS2S) takes part from July 30th to August 6th 2016 at the shores of Lake Hovsgol.
  • Runners from all over the world will jointhis unique adventure, bringing their own culture and traditions and making this race an exceptional experience.
  • Just a few places remaining: Register now on!


Mongolia (21thMarch 2016) – The Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset (MS2S) 42km and 100km races take place in the wilderness of Northern Mongolia. This trail and ultra-trail is without a doubt among the most beautiful runs of the world. It gives a unique opportunity to runners from all around the globe to discover spectacular views of the beautiful landscapes of Mongolia from start to finish – be it on the lakeside single trail when the sun rises behind Lake Hovsgol, on the impressive mountain passes or in the marshy, remote forests. On their quest to complete this unique race, runners pass by wild horses and yaks, seas of wildflowers, the craggy mountains and windblown lowlands.

The MS2S is not only beautiful but also challenging: The accumulated elevation gain/loss in the marathon distance is more than 2.200 meters, in the 100km ultra run it is more than 3.300 meters. Still, everybody with a strong spirit and good training can complete the race. The cut-off time is 18 hours.

A discovery package

The Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset offers a whole week full of discovery and adventure. Participants gather in a picturesque camp at the lake-shore, sleep in traditional Mongolian yurts and get in touch with local nomads and their culture. In the days before and following the race, runners can enjoy a variety of leisure activities: horseback riding, fishing, kayaking, hiking, or mountain biking. They also have the opportunity to add a pre-race week package, either for a Horse Trek into the untouched mountains or for a training week with yoga and other activities at Camp Toilogt. The 2016 race week will take place from July 30th to August 6th2016.

Preserving the National Park

This race is organised on a non-profit basis. All proceeds are used to keep Hovsgol National Park pristine and clean as well as to support the culture of the local nomads via the “ecoLeap foundation” registered in Geneva, Switzerland. “We want to keep this pristine mountain area as beautiful as it is now. That is why we fund a litter control project and its ongoing operation including hiring park rangers, providing eco-friendly garbage bags and raising awareness nation-wide through TV ads and education of local children and families”, explains race director Nicolas Musy.

Photo Credit: DarkoTodorovic

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