Keys 100 2011 – Results

keys 100 mile raceThe 4th annual KEYS100 was held the weekend of Saturday May 14 2011.  The race is a point-to-point ultramarathon beginning in Key Largo (or Marathon, for the 50 mile race) and ending in Key West on the Atlantic Ocean at Smathers Beach.  KEYS100 raises funds each year for prostate cancer education, screenings and research in the Keys and South Florida, providing runners an opportunity to earn a refund of their full race entry fee.

The three races: Each year, individual races of 100 miles and 50 miles, and a unique and popular six runner, 100 mile team relay race are included in the KEYS100.

This years Keys 100 was won by Dave Carver of London, Ontario, Canada in 17:51:19 and the Womens event was won by Pam Reed in 19:32:19.


Posted on the Ultralist:

Date:    Tue, 17 May 2011 10:08:50 -0700
From:    Matt Mahoney
Subject: Keys 100 non-ultra report

A few stats on the Keys 100:

100 miles: 81 starters, 45 finishers within the 32 hour cutoff. Median finish time 26:16. Range 17:51 to 31:42. Remember this is a flat, road course. About 70% is on paved bike paths or side roads. 30% is on the shoulder of US 1 with cars zipping by at 55 MPH.

50 miles: 99 starters, 84 finishers. Median finish time 11:25. Range 6:55 to 16:36.

85 6-person relay teams. Median finish time 14:50. Range 10:16 to 28:51. I was on the 10’th place team “No Wine-ing” in 12:12, or 7:19/mile average pace. I ran 9 2-mile segments and a 3 mile segment for a total of 21 miles at an average pace of about 6:50/mile. My pace ranged from 6:30/mile in the morning and evening to 7:00/mile in the hot part of the day. Mid-day it was 87 F, dewpoint 67 F, heat index 90. At 24 deg. latitude the sun was almost directly overhead and there was no shade and no clouds. It has a much stronger effect than at higher latitudes. It felt like over 100 degrees. It really helped to dump a bottle of ice water on me at the start of each leg.

The winning team was “Shut the **** Up and Run”, which is from my area, except for their fastest runner from Ohio who ran his 2 mile segments at 5:10/mile pace. Their average pace was 6:10/mile, vs. 5:49/mile last year when they won by 45 seconds. There were 4 reasons for their slower time. First, there was nobody close. They won by almost an hour. Second, they were delayed by a draw bridge for a few minutes early in the race. Third, there was a new rule that required each leg to be at least 2 miles. Last year the top 2 teams were changing runners every 1/4 mile near the finish. Fourth, two of their runners were injured (but ran anyway). Jessica Crate, their only female runner, snapped a bone in her foot at mile 14 of the Boston marathon while trying to qualify for the Olympic trials. She limped in to a 3:04. Steve Chin, her boyfriend who usually finishes
behind her, has hardly run since his 2:52 at Boston due to plantar fasciitis. I train with them and the other guys (John Davis, Shane Streufert, Pedro Toledo), or at least try to for the first part of their run until they drop me. No pain, no gain.

I had attempted the Keys 100 in 1993 as my first 100 miler. I only made it 62 miles before my feet swelled like balloons and every step was pain, so I quit.
It took me 4 tries to finish a 100. The original race was in December, which I recall had about the same heat and humidity as in May, probably due to being near the warm ocean. Since then, a lot of new bike paths have been built. Back then it was about 80% roads. After 1993 the race was not held again until a few years ago. The 1993 race started at 6 PM in an unsuccessful attempt to avoid the heat. Now it starts at 6 AM.

Running on a relay team, finishing 2 hours before dark, going out to dinner and sleeping in a motel sure was a lot easier than running all night in the 100. So I’m a wimp. I had fun anyway.

— Matt Mahoney,


Women 100
1 Pam Reed 19:32:19
2 Rochelle Frazeur 23:30:26
3 Emily Bello 25:24:51
Men 100
1 Dave Carver 17:51:19
2 Joe Ninke 18:22:46
3 Dave Krupski 21:44:21


Checkout the full results at the Keys 100 website

Christian Griffith 50 mile race report

Keys 100 Relay Tips for running an ultramarathon relay


Keys 100 Mile Race Results – Finishers

Place LAST FIRST Fin Award
1 Carver Dave 17:51:19 1 M
2 Ninke Joe 18:22:46 1 M Un
3 Reed Pam 19:32:19 1 F
4 Vogel Lane 19:38:12 2 M
5 Dorsey Kevin 20:19:32 3M
6 Brock Scott 21:10:08 M Mast
7 Krupski Dave 21:44:21 1 M30
8 Walther Tammy 22:20:39 2 F
9 Garcia Hernan 22:23:10 2 M Un
10 Wheeler Steve 22:58:55 1 M50
11 Latorre Tomas 23:13:28 3 M Un
12 Cobb Brian 23:27:07
13 Frazeur Rochelle 23:30:26 1 F Un
14 Lombardi Bradford 23:38:00 1 M40
15 Lozowick Craig 24:06:45
16 Mullen Jess 24:09:59 3 F
17 Radovcic Sergio 24:38:49
18 Novis Andrew C. 24:43:02
19 Quirk Linda 25:04:17 F Mast
20 Bello Emily 25:24:51 1 F18
21 Bello Todd 25:24:51
22 Bryan Cameron 25:36:05
23 Graves Cyndi 26:16:26 1 F40
24 Bertrand David 26:16:27
25 Patlan David 26:20:50
26 Scofield Kyle 26:42:14
27 Overbaugh Jason 27:17:42
28 Aistars Juli 27:26:16 2 F Un
29 Caruso Karen 28:04:15 F50
30 Kabanuck Richard 28:05:11 M18
31 Jean-Baptiste Smith 28:09:14
32 Spinosa Christopher 28:41:11
33 Gibson Mark 28:59:25
34 Schwartz Eric 29:07:57
35 Jacaway Scott 29:18:25
36 Beck Mike 29:22:45
37 Griffith Christian 29:35:18
38 Lee Marvin 29:41:39
39 Schroeder Jim 30:22:00 1 M60
40 Pyle John 30:22:00
41 Hawthorne Tommy 30:47:50
42 Pascual Martin 30:56:05
43 Meeks-Hall Kate 31:03:45
44 Knower Lia 31:30:11
45 Skinner Thomas 31:42:35 The home of multiday running news and events.

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