Jesper Olsen’s World Run II Resumes

Jesper Olsen
Jesper Olsen

Jesper Olsen, the Danish ultrarunner who, having finished running around the world in 2005 and began a North to South run of similar magnitude starting July 1st 2008, has resumed running in Argentina, January 1st after a few months recovery break in 2010.

A review of the first half of the run from Nordkapp to Cape Town is available in English on – well worth a read

After reaching Cape Town on the southern tip of Africa,  Jesper decided to take a fews months break to recover his strength and returned to take in the Americas just before the end of 2010 beginning in Punta Arenas.  The last half of the run, through South America and North America to New Foundland, Jesper hopes will be completed by the  summer of 2012.

Jesper writes “If anyone wants to join the run in Argentina, these places might be handy as many of them have either an airport or access by main bus/trainlines.”

If you have suggestions please don’t hesitate to write – [email protected]

Below is a schedule of major cities, dates & kms:

8/1, border, Argentina,

10/1 Rio Gallegos, 75km.

2/2 Caleta Olivia (1 restday), 800km.

18/2 Rawson,

26/2 San Antonio Oeste,

4/3 Rio Colorado (near Bahia Blanca) (1 restday), 2000km.

12/3 Santa Rosa (500km W. of Buenos Aires),

18/3 Realico,

27/3 General Alvear,

6/4 Mendoza (Andes Mountains) (1 restday), 3200km.

10/4 Puente del Inca (at mt. Aconcagua, 6960m. alt.)

18/4 Los Andes (Chile, 85km N. of Santiago).

– If anyone wants to join the run, for a few km, a stage, a month, a country or a continent you are always welcome 🙂 You can either show up at the route or send an email to organize the details. The home of multiday running news and events.

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