Green Lakes Endurance Runs 2013

Green Lakes Endurance RaceLadies, Gentlemen;
On behalf of the Green Lakes Endurace Race team and Ultrarunning Matters, I’m pleased to announce that registration for GLER100K and GLER50K are both open at (since FEB 8).

If you aren’t familiar with the Green Lakes Endurance Runs, both the 100K and 50K races will start on Saturday, AUG 24 in beautiful Green Lakes State Park in Fayetteville, NY, just east of Syracuse, NY.

The course is an exact 12.5 KM loop that encompasses GLSP; 100K racers will run 8 laps, 50K races 4 laps. The course consists mostly of single track and while there are some decent hills, the course itself is highly runnable.

The start/finish line and race HQ are at the Old ADMIN Building just adjacent to the lake, beach, and main pavillion; Green Lakes State Park is a terrific family destination for a day of outdoor summer activity that can include camping, swimming, hiking, boating, fishing, and beach-front picnicing so GLER can indeed by a family race destination with something for everyone in the family.
Please consider either volunteering or racing with us.

Tim Hardy
Marietta, NY
Race Director: Green Lakes Endurance Run The home of multiday running news and events.

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