Goretex Transrockies Run 2007 – Runner Profile – Skaggs Brothers

Currently leading their category, the website has a profile on the two Skaggs Brothers, Erik and Kyle.

Skaggs Brothers: Evil Aliens or Force For Good?
By Gordon Wright

They are “freaks of nature.” Aliens. Running machines or maybe mutants. The Skaggs brothers are all that, as well as affable, funny, laid back and leading the GORE-TEX TransRockies Run.

The consensus among the other competitors is that the Skaggs, Erik and Kyle, have been sent here to demolish the race, tear it apart and carry it back to whatever groovy outdoor performance lab from which they have recently sprung. Part of the quiet intimidation they’ve laid on the rest of the field comes from their appearance: Erik, 25, and Kyle, 22, look like whitetail stags and run about as fast. Leaner than a couple of Slim Jims, they glided effortlessly over the mountain passes of Stage One that had other racers gasping in their wake. Add in some climber/dirtbag attire, moderately long hair and their incongruously youthful miens and it is clear why most ultra runners – who range from “mature” to “grizzled” – find them otherworldly.

Kyle, at age 22, and older brother Erik, 25, are among the new wave of the sport of ultrarunning who are re-writing record books and revising the notions of just how well seasoned you need to be to win. Read the whole article on Transrockies.com

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