Gila 100

Posted on: Ultramarathon Walking

Posted by: “susannah rose” feetsdont_failmenow at
Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:51 am (PST)Hi all,

I was out hiking yesterday and ended up on a wonderful trail. My husband was with me and our conversation turned to the 100 miler I’ve wanted to put together. I wouldn’t go forward without his enthusiasm as the work load is too much to toss onto someone who isn’t willing, but he’s completely enthused. So, we’ve narrowed things down even further and I’m going to impose once more with a couple of questions so I can finalize dates and what not.

1. Right now the Ghost Town runs on Sunday of Martin Luther King jr. weekend…so Monday is a nat’l holiday. It makes the most sense to run the Gila 100 on the same weekend. So, I need to decide whether to start the two events at the same time or end them at the same time. I guess the big question for you to answer is: if you entered the 100 mile event, would you rather register on Fri, run on Sat. and Sun. OR register Sat., run on Sun. and Mon.?

2. Housing is a big issue…I live in a very small place. If the combined events does increase participation considerably, some runners will have to stay about 40 miles away. Mind you, this is not city driving, straight down an interstate for about half, then onto a nice 2 lane state hwy. Would the housing inconvenience influence you one way or the other? Obviously, local housing is first-come and I do have some runners who always camp on my property. I also get friends and neighbors (within 10 miles) who have extra rooms or guest houses volunteer to take folks in.

That’s it. Those are the last two questions before I finalize everything and then I’ll have a date and it’s definitely going to be in the Gila. It’s too beautiful up there not to share and will make for the more interesting race over the Camino Real. While that route is historically intriguing, it’s just not got much variety and if you’ren ot used to the open desert, well I think people from other states might not like it as much.

Thanks a bunch for your feedback! susan The home of multiday running news and events.

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