North Pole Marathon / Antarctic Ice Marathon/100k


Got the nerve and drive to travel to the North Pole and run on Arctic ice floes, with a mere 6 to 12 feet separating you from 12,000 feet of Arctic Ocean? Can you handle the extreme cold? Are you fit enough? Do you want to push yourself to the edge?

If the answer is yes, then you are ready for the North Pole Marathon.

This amazing race will additionally offer athletes who have completed a marathon on all seven continents the opportunity of joining the exclusive North Pole Marathon Grand Slam Club by also completing this marathon on the Arctic Ocean.

North Pole Marathon 

And while we are on ice, a mention about the Antarctic races this December. There’s a marathon, a half marathon and a 100k on December 16th.

These races are not cheap and involve up to a week or more depending on local conditions but are truly challenging environments
Visit Antarctic Ice Marathon The home of multiday running news and events.

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