Antibes 2012 – The Last Time?

There is a recent post on the French Ultra Festival site that indicates the future may be short for the only 6 day race taking place in France at this time. This is the post from the site:

Antibes… last edition ?

After 6 years of big hit and evolution, Antibes 2012 will be perhaps the last edition of French Ultra Festival.

In front of the difficulties of organization due to the lack of gratitude at any levels of our discipline in our region and after a long reflection, I think that the French Ultra Festival of Antibes is going to disappear from the calendar after the edition of 2012. Nothing is still definitive in 100%, but one 6 days race stays a heavy competition to be put on the spot and in spite of the volunteers' beautiful and magnificent team which is our, this lack of chronic means does not allow me to realize my vision of the fact that could be the big party of Ultra marathon about which I dream.

Then if you wish to live Antibes once again or for the first time, 2012 is the edition which you should not miss.

Your servant, Gérard Cain.


The 7th edition of the French Ultra Festival is from the 3rd to the 9th of june at Fort Carré in Antibes and includes 48 and 72 hour options as well as race-walking categories and possibly a 24 hour event as well as more Treadmill happenings..

Website The home of multiday running news and events.

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