North Coast 24 Hour Races 2012

northcoast 24 hour race 2012Posted on the Ultralist

Hello all,

Here's the latest news on the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run …

DON'T PROCRASTINATE MUCH LONGER!: No, I'm not talking about waiting to start your holiday shopping (though if you're like me, December 23 seems like a great time to start; let's bow our heads and say a quick word of thanks for the guy who invented next-day shipping). Instead, this is a reminder that the NC24 prices (for both the Spring and Fall races) are going up as of January 1, 2012. If you haven't registered yet … come on, you know you're going to anyway, so get off that fence and sign up today!

TWO … TWO … TWO RACES IN ONE!: The NC24 is going to offer two editions of the race in 2012 (and hopefully in future years as well). The Fall race is still scheduled for September 22-23, 2012. We have now added a Spring race, which will be held on May 5-6, 2012.

Why did we add a second race, you ask? Several reasons. First, in only three years, the Fall race has grown to capacity. The NC24 race course can comfortably accommodate 200 runners, but really not much more than that. So adding a second race seemed like a natural progression.

Second, as runners ourselves, we know that there is no one optimal time of the year for everybody. Some runners train through the winter and are strongest in the spring; others take it easier when the ground is covered in snow, and ramp up their training in the spring and summer months. We want to be able to offer a race that fits everybody's schedules.

Third, there is the question of USATF championship status. Originally, the NC24 had been designated as the USATF National Championship 24-Hour Race for 2012. However, it turned out that the World Championships (which will be held in Poland) are scheduled for September 8-9, just two weeks prior to the NC24. In order to retain the National Championship designation, we chose to add the Spring race, so that the top athletes will be able to compete in both the National and World Championships. (Although knowing some of them, they'll probably run the Fall race too!)

So to clarify the USATF issue, once and for all: The Spring NC24 WILL be the USATF National Championship 24-Hour Race in 2012. The Fall NC24 WILL NOT carry any USATF championship designation.
Hopefully this explanation clears up any confusion about why we are now offering Spring and Fall races. We look forward to seeing all of you at least once next year, and maybe twice!


NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run The home of multiday running news and events.

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