A Woman Chasing Yiannis Kouros By Martina Hausmann

Martina Hausmann has posted an account of her 6 day race this summer in Sweden on Planetultramarathon.

6 days race on track in Hallsberg
A woman chasing Yiannis Kouros

To Hallsberg!

I am looking forward to run my third multi day race within four months. As it is a first-time-event and as I will have to do it without supporter, I try to get the most informations about the race. Pre-race communication between me and race director Kaj Jensen is great via internet. He confirms to have a tent for me and sends the Swedish train ticket according to my flight. I hear that there will be a laundry service and that the aid station will be well equipped according to our needs. The tartan track is supposed to be free of water even after heavy rain. Complete night would last just two hours end of July in Southern Sweden . The more emails I get, the more I am looking forward to finally being a part of the event. The awful 6 days race in blistering heat of Antibes at Cote d’Azur just five weeks ago is almost forgotten.

I arrive at Hallsberg after midnight, 1 ½ days before race start. Kaj greets me and leads me to stadium and tent. It is placed suitably just 5m from the track and next to the future electronic lap control, also next to the future aid station. It is really big, I am able to move inside upright and it is enlightened by candles as I enter. I jump into the bed and sleep right away.

Read the whole article at Planetultramarathon

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