Yukon Gold Ultra 2007

Yukon Gold Ultra 2007

Hello everyone,
Spring is coming!!!! I’m looking out my window right now and although the snow is still deep, it feels like we’ve turned the corner on winter. Only 3.5 months until the Yukon Gold Ultra starts. We are hoping to see you all up here enjoying summer’s long days of light and our wonderful trails.

Keep an eye on the early bird registration fees. The first cut off date is May.

We encourage all of the racers travelling to the Yukon for the Gold Ultra to book your flights with our locally owned airline, Air North.  There are direct flights 3 times a week from Edmonton and Calgary and daily flights from Vancouver.  You actually get something to eat and the service is outstanding. Google “Air North” for flight schedules and costs.

Just a reminder that this year we have introduced the 2-person team division for the 100 mile race. This includes both bikers and runners. Now you can bring a friend along to share the memories!!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]

Best regards,

Shelley Gellatly
(Race Director)

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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