Wild Duluth 50K and 100K

ate: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:59:57 -0500
From: Andy Holak
Subject: Date Set for Wild Duluth 50K and 100K

The Wild Duluth 50K and 100K are set for October 17, 2009. This will be the inaugural running of the official race on this beautiful course. A beta run of the 50K took place last October and runners agreed the course was spectacular.

The 50K will be point to point on the Superior Hiking Trail through Duluth, MN while the 100K will be out and back on the same course. The course is 97% singletrack trail with views over the Duluth-Superior Harbor, Lake Superior and wonderful Fall colors. The Superior Hiking Trail through Duluth will take runners along rocky, rushing creeks with waterfalls, and high above the City of Duluth on jagged cliffs. Runners will be amazed they are running within the city limits of a community of 80,000 people. Support crews will find great access to the course and other amenities.

Visit our website wildduluthraces.wordpress.com for more details as they become available.

Andy Holak
Duluth, MN

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