USA World Harmony Run 2010

world harmony run brochureDate: Wed, 26 May 2010 11:39:24 -0400
From: Mark Dorion
Subject: Ultra Harmony Run Around USA–

Today (May 26) the World Harmony Run will cross from the Texas panhandle into New Mexico. This is a 50-state relay (generally 10 runners or so at a time on the team) that occurs concurrently with sister relays around the world (the Canadian Relay kicks off this week).

The current USA relay team includes two long-time US ultrarunners, Arpan DeAgelo and Vajra Henderson. Arpan has been one of the more prolific US ultrarunners over the past 30 years, with solid performances ranging from a 2:42 marathon PB to 130 mi/ 24 hrs to finishing the world’s longest certified ultra, the NY 3100 mile (5000Km). Vajra is the oldest member of the current relay team (while he looks 55 or less, I think he is actually 68) and back in the early 1980s received national acclaim for the running programs he started for prison inmates (with mileage incentives, races, etc.).

In addition, the team now entering New Mexico includes men and women runners from 7 countries (including UK ultrarunner Mark Collinson). I will try to catch up with them this weekend (they get to Santa Fe Friday evening, and should get to Durango Sunday on their way West).
After reaching the Pacific at San Diego they head up the coast to Wash. state before turning back east.

If the Team passes anywhere near your hometown, try to go out and run with them or cheer them on! Also, their website has some great photos and stories– at times it resembles the travel/ running writing of Gary Cantrell and Jim Shapiro.

Best wishes to all ultrarunners,

Mark D/ El Paso, TX

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