Trans-Con Runners 2008 John Wallace Newsletter

Posted on the Ultralist:

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 13:04:23 -0800
From: John H Wallace III <[email protected]>
Subject: Most Trans-USA Runners in 80 years!

Not since the 1928 and 1929 Bunion Derbies has there been a year with so many transcontinental trekkers. Trail Runner describes them as “Pavement Nomads” and I like that term a lot.

NationRun got off to a great start yesterday from my old stomping grounds (aka where I finished my transcon run). Andrew, Matthew, Ken, & Dewey are on their way to CA from GA. Check out and for more info.

Glen R. Turner heads out in a couple of weeks solo and unsupported. He gets additional kudos for putting together his own jogger. Glen and NationRun will cross paths somewhere in Texas in March as he heads toward Tybee Island, GA from CA. His website is

Tom Bassano emailed me a couple days ago and flew under the radar for a little bit with his Run for the Innocent. He is running to raise awareness and funds for child advocacy and he is getting underway on 2/28. Like Glen, he is running from CA but ending up in FL. Tom’s website is

Tom & Warren Knoll will be close on Tom’s heels, heading out a couple days later on 3/1 from San Diego. They are hoping to end up in the nation’s capital on Independence Day. Tom ran across America a back in 1983 and will be 75 (76?) during this year’s crossing. That eclipses Paul Reese’s age of 73 as the oldest person to run across America. Tom is upping the ante by also biking the same route after running in a very unique twist to crossing the country. Read more about it on

Rick Hammersley will be taking a more leisurely pace across America, walking from CA to NY and covering 3,700 miles. His walk starts on April Fool’s Day (4/1) and there are many naysayers out there that would call that appropriate for any of these crossings. His website is – click on the blog button for new info.

Bruce Johnson is another transcon runner looking to add another crossing this Spring. Originally slated for October of last year, he needed knee surgery and hopes to return to the road in the coming months. Bruce will be running from FL to CA and will likely cross Mr. Bassano along the way. Bruce’s page is

Lisa Smith-Batchen & Louise Cooper will be heading out in late April and attempting to set a new speed record for a crossing by female. With only 9 women crossing before them, it will be good to see them add their names to successful crossings. It’s not all about the record for them though, they are running for the Dreamchasers program which assists women and children in need. Follow along with them at

Marshall Ulrich & Charlie Engle start from my hometown here in Seattle and will be finishing in Washington DC. They will cover the 3,200 miles from 5/21 to 7/5 and for those doing the math, that would be the fastest crossing on foot. Again, to balance the nature of the run, “Run America will be talking to people about water, asking them to get involved, including urging citizens to get out and vote.” Pending a more formal site, try to keep up at and

Brian Curro plans to begin out here in Washington as well with a run from the border at Peach Arch to Key West, FL. This would be just about as long as you can get from corner to corner in the U.S. I hope the logistics work with the floating bridges and busy roads on the way to Key West. Brian will begin on 6/2 and run 3,600 miles. He has a couple of websites as well: and

Not sure if Dan Popp is still attempting his run. There are updates to his blog but no real mention about the run. He was planning on starting in January and running from NY to San Fran.

As always, if you forget any of these links or want to have a quick visual link to where everyone is running this year, please visit:

There are lots of different purposes this year and lots of criss-crossing going on. I wish everyone the best on their particular journey and hope everyone’s dreams and aspirations are fulfilled. If there are any other crossings that you know about (past, present, or future) please let me know!

[email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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