The Foxton 24 Hour Track Race 2015 Race Report

Nicholas Turner
Nicholas Turner Photo

The Foxton 24 Hour Track Race 2015 Race Report

It was a busy day on Friday 22nd May creating a superb race village, unloading marquees, tents, tables, chairs, food and drink, erecting and displaying materials ready for the main event, situating caravans, and preparing the digital chip timing area in a purpose built building which was up and in condition to use. A tired crew of helpers retired to bed to refresh for the 24 hours the next day.

On Saturday 23rd May sunshine greeted the day and any duties missed on Friday were completed in time for the start of the race at 12 noon. Eighteen runners began their long journey, made up of mostly first-timers to ultra distance running with the exception of maybe three ladies. Half of the field went under the hour for 10k. Lynn Froggat suffered ankle problems in this period, but after attention returned to the race to show great spirit.

At 6 hours, Nicholas Turner was putting his stamp on the race 40 miles on the board, followed by Helen James, Benjamin Wittenberg, and Brian Emmott. Brian Emmott was casualty number one at this period, with the other 60/65 veterans veteran in obvious discomfort.

He weather remained sunny, with a cool breeze blowing over the UCLan Arena. At the 12 hour point Nicholas Turner remained in the lead but changes happened down the lower positions included Carmen Byrne, Gillian Verdin retired after showing style and pace on the house. Also Helen James recorded 4:57:43 at 50k then 10:47:51 at 100k before finishing on 68.3 miles at just a touch over 12 hours.

At 18 hours leader Nicholas Turner was well clear of Men Whittenberg with Mark Helme in 3rd. The casualties before 18 hours included Christopher Jackson at 13 hours and Alistair Jewell at 16 hours with both of them showing well for 12 hours. Rain affected the conditions overnight and dampened spirits but no other runners were to be affected. All completed the full distance.

At 24 hours Nicholas Turner recorded 110.96 miles on his debut to win the first UCLan Preston Track Race, a fine effort.

Ben Whittenberg maintained his steady pace throughout to record 104:5 miles for second place, also on his debut.

Mark Helme in third had his travels to Wembley on his mind, missing the 100 miles mark by a fraction – always another time Mark.

Chris Creedy travelled up from Ipswich and finished the race in great style, surely more to come from Chris.

Michael Pate, another first timer, showed good mileage over the last 6 hours, one to watch.

David Marsh and Alistair Jewell covered 65+ miles near enough in tandem until fatigue set in, but for first timers not bad.

Sharon Gayter provided the highlight, running 50k in 5:25:39 and 100k in 12:51:31 which represent unofficial 50/55 Ladies British best performances. Sharon continued to be first lady with 82.77 miles.

Helen James came in second, and Jane Mowbray on her debut in third with 65.37 miles. Other ladies who showed courage on their first time journeys included Georgina Biggs, Georgina Evans, Charlotte Waite and Lynn Froggat.

A short spontaneous presentation followed the end of the race which was affected by a national cycle race taking place on the area site.

A brief summing up of the weekend: much preparation and planning, securing a first class arena, creating a superb race village, finding a new team, new venue and new event, attracting provisions, awards, timing services and a new team. We are anticipating a higher number of entries with higher mileages in years to come, but we have to start somewhere and we have. It’s good to be back serving ultra distance running in the UK.

Stan Jewell

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