The 23rd Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2019 Day 48

Ashprihanal Aalto on Day 47 of the self-Transcendence 3100 mile race 2019 photo by

The Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race is approaching its final weekend and finishes on Tuesday August the 6th. The leader, Ashprihanl Aalto looks set to to finish today, Day 48, late morning early afternoon GMT, 7 am local time is the current predicted finish time. There is a livecam at the site streaming the daily proceedings.

For weeks it has looked like 7 of the 8 would finish the race but in the last week Smarana, Harita and Todor have run into problems and though Smarana has something of a cushion its a reminder that nothing is a foregone conclusion and that its not over until the finish line is crossed. Two years ago it was Yolanda Holder who had us holding our breath and sending our best wishes and now we hope that Harita and Todor will prevail and complete the longest certified footrace in the world.

Results for Day 46 (latest)

Pos Name Ctry Miles
1 Ashprihanal Aalto FIN 3023.8
2 Nirbhasa Magee IRE 2932.2
3 Vasu Duzhiy RUS 2888.8
4 Ananda-Lahari Zuscin SVK 2854.8
5 Smarana Puntigam AUT 2797.2
6 Harita Davies NZL 2766.5
7 Todor Dimitrov BGR 2712.7
8 Ushika Muckenhumer AUT 2438.8


Race website:
Daily event video coverage: Perfection-Journey
Photos: The home of multiday running news and events.

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