Strasimeno 2011

10 YEARS OF “Strasimeno”

Sunday, March 6, 2011 will stage the 10th edition of the foot race “Strasimeno. The organizing committee consists of A.S.D. Philippides, and Dreams Runners Athletics Avis Perugia Perugia, is pleased to announce a special package of news that will cheer the runners, on the occasion of the tenth. The main change will concern the introduction for the first year of detection by timing chip.

1) CHIP: This service will be provided for the races of 21,097 km – 42.195 to 58.040 and will be managed by Dreams Runners Perugia ( The decision to opt for an electronic survey, while it adds an additional financial effort, it also guarantees a greater regularity of the race and the possibility of having intermediate chronometric details. And ‘This is another proof of internationalism
that puts the event (for numbers and quality of services achieved) at the highest levels of the industry.

2) Strasimeno CHARTER: The Charter Strasimeno is a service that will be offered free to participants who use the accommodation proposed by the organization. The card can be withdrawn directly from the organization with evidence of the lease and entitles you to free pasta party on Saturday night and discount tickets in the museum. More offers will be put on just defined.

3) Prizes: to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the event, the Organizing Committee has decided to award in a conspicuous participation of athletes.
For the first 500 enrolled in the full Marathon and Ultramarathon Race Syprem.
For the first 800 subscribers at distances of 30 km and 21 km long sleeve technical shirt Syprem.
For the participants in the 15 km t-shirt, (you can choose long-sleeved technical shirt Syprem by paying the registration fee of € 12.00 instead of 8.00.
For participants in the Marathon and Ultramarathon planned commemorative medal.
Personalized certificate of recognition for all distances will be available online.

As every year the premiums will be retained for dell’Ultramaratona absolute classifications, which will be paid the first 10 men and 10 women as the first official rules ( Prizes will also be recognized in nature to the top 5 winners in each category, as per the official rules.

Increased considerably but the awards, compared to previous years, for the Marathon. Shuttle service, transport and storage bags, pasta party on Saturday evening and Sunday noon delivery chest will be kept unchanged from previous editions. The entries will open officially in a few days without fail and will close on 01 March 2011.

Over 1500 Ultramarathon finisher in 10 years. 3300 participants in the last 3 years on all distances competitive. Hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours spent to make you feel at ease. Thank you would like to convey our awareness of how to achieve this decade was great in your company.
Encouraged to enter again, we would like to become our project for you in the future, a pleasant habit.

Please visit the official web site:

The Organising Committee of Strasimeno The home of multiday running news and events.

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