The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2023 starts on August 30th at 6am, and continues for 52 days, finishing on October 20th. The event, which first took place in 1996 as a 2700 mile race and in 1997 as the first 3100 mile race, sees four women runners for the first time and four debutants.
The following runners have been accepted for the 2023 race:
-Andrea Marcato, Italy
-Milan Javornicky, Czech Republic
-Adrian Papuc, Romania
-Mahasatya Janczak, Poland
-Stutisheel Lebedev, Ukraine
-Ananda-Lahari Zuscin, Slovakia
-Yang Huang-Lan, Taiwan
-Susan Marshall, New Zealand
-Kaneenika Janakova, Slovakia
-Lo Wei-Ming, Taiwan
-Vasu Duzhiy, Russia
-Tsai Wen-Ya, Taiwan
-Jason Lester, USA
-Harita Davies, New Zealand
The race takes place on a half mile loop around Thomas Edison High school, a nearby playing field, handball courts and runs alongside the access road to the Grand Central Parkway. The event starts at 6 am everymorning and closes at midnight when the runners retire to their accommodation for a few hours to clean up and sleep.
The world record is held by Ashprihanal Aalto (FIN) who finished with a time of 40 days 09:06:21 in July 2015, breaking the previous record of 41 days 08:16:29 held by Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk.
More info: https://3100.srichinmoyraces.org/
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