Lisa Bliss – Preparing for Spartathlon 2008

Posted on the Ultralist:

Thank you so very much for everybody’s enormous amount of encouragement and support via email!

I will be starting the race Friday morning.  I’m not sure how it will go, but I’ll do my best.  The ankle will be well protected in a hinged brace though unfortunately the only one they had in all of Athens like this was a
LEFT brace and I needed a RIGHT one.  Figures.  Should be ok though as running with two left feet feels quite natural for me.

Since the injury (which very likely tore the surgical ligament from its anchors), I have rested and very gradually introduced walking.  I walked quite a bit today.  It was sore from the pressure of the brace (because of the swelling).  But then Glenn Tachiyama, who is on my crew, did surgery on my shoe and cut out all the cushion so there is now plenty of room for the brace.  It’s the only pair of shoes I have so it has to work!

The weather has been chilly and humid and perfect for running, much better than last year’s sweltering 90+ degree temps.

We drove the course yesterday.  It took literally all day and night.  The traffic in Athens was the worst I have ever seen despite living in Chicago for 18 years.  All I can say is WOW!  It’s quite a course that starts at the
Acropolis down a cobblestone road (great first test for the ankle).

Runners then run on the Athens highway while those cars go whizzing by without a pedestrian thought until we get out of the city.  Then the course meaders through vineyards and the hilly old Greek villages and eventually up a mountain at 100 miles, which is quite a climb.  We climb to the top on the only trail of the course and slide down the other side through the skree on our butts (at least I’ll be doing this!) back to the old village roads and the highways, which eventually lead us to Sparta and the statue of King Leonidas.  The last 20 miles are downhill, which will be uncomfortable on sore quads but certainly looks fun!

I hope I make it to Sparta but if not, I have still had a wonderful time here with my crew.

Of course y’all already know that John Price is here.  I am looking forward to seeing all the runners tomorrow.  Best of luck to everyone, and look for good finishes from America:  Scott Jurek, Mark Godale, Stephanie Ehret, Peter Bakwin, and Stacey Bunton.

Thank you again everybody.  You brighten my world!

All the best,

Lisa Bliss
Spokane, WA The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Hope the ankle doesn’t let you down. My teammate Mark Woolley is also running so if you see him before the start say hi! He is English but we live in Spain.

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