Kate Condon’s Journey – Route 66 – Newsletter 4

Hey there everybody!
This is the latest from mum. Im going to try my very best to attach the photos but my lack of technical skill can always be problematic! Hope this finds you all well.
Love jess xx

Hi again,
Must grab the wi-fi when we can get it!The night I last wrote we had the most amazing storm in OK City as we were parked up at a 24 hour Wallmart. The van was blowing around and felt as if it was about to take off! We listened to the weather station at 2 a.m. waiting to see if it was recommended that every one goes to their storm shelters but it calmed a bit and all was well except the power was out for our area. 5a.m.
I was off in the pre dawn light and after a mile tripped over a twig and fell sideways. It would have looked very funny. I carried on out in to the countryside seeing loads of red squirrels and now spotting many horses and the occasional prickly cactus with yellow flowers so we must be getting wild westish! Also we’re on the road to Amarillo ‘cos it says so on the road signs about 160miles. My arm became swollen and bruised even by my standards and moving it around a little sore.

Next morning arriving in Weatherford I happened to pass their beautiful brand new hospital and called in.They were all so friendly and helpful from the receptionist who met me and all the nurses and the lovely radiographer, who is on Enbrel for her bad psoriasis (”at $500 a shot ”).The doc was delightful whizzing round on a wheely chair as he was in a non weightbearing plaster for a fractured tibial plateau after his 8 year old son ran in to him! Anyway I have 2 undisplaced fractures of my left radial head (i.e. piddly small). They kindly offered me a bulky fibreglass and foam sling but that would have hurt my neck etc and been awkward so they said I could tuck it in my tee shirt as long as I don’t twist my wrist/arm or press on it.They were lovely. The whole thing reminded me of good ol’ Bognor (apart from the brand new bit !).
The boys have been very kind to me continuing to feed and water me and try to point me in the right direction but I still manage to get a bit lost and it’s always my fault. Tho’ I take a map with me every day and I am improving a tiny bit. Dom’s sent some photos so hopefully Jess can attach them and you can get a glimpse of us and a few places we’ve been.
Last night we stopped in a REAL campsite not just on the side of the road or in a church car park and we had a swim which was FAB. However this morning I am cream crackered and having a major lie-in and will just do fairly rubbish mileage today but I am ahead so hopefully all will be well.

Speak again soon


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