Dipali Cunningham Enters AUTRA Hall of Fame

Dipali Cunningham
Photo courtesy SriChinmoyraces.org
Dipali Cunningham
Photo courtesy SriChinmoyraces.org

Dipali Cunningham was inaugurated into the newly renamed Australian Ultra and Trail Runners Association (AUTRA) Hall of Fame in May 2024. She joins 17 other distinguished Australian ultra runners and is the 5th female to receive this honor.

After the award ceremony during the AURA AGM, Dipali was in tears, deeply moved by the recognition. She gave full credit to Sri Chinmoy for her running achievements., She said she didn’t run for records “but for Self-Transcendence and with a child-like heart, just as Guru taught”.

According to the AURA Hall of Fame website, “Australia can be proud of its ultra running heritage and very accomplished ultrarunners. AURA has been recognizing these runners by inducting them into the AURA Hall of Fame, a practice initiated in 2004.”

Website: Australian Ultra and Trail Runners Association

Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team article: Dipali Cunningham: a Champion’s Champion from 1991 – 2015

See Also
Dipali Cunningham Sets New World Record

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