Brive 24 Hour World Championships 2010 – Updates

The IAU 24 Hour World Championships 2010 is underway in Brive in France, starting at 10:00am local time. The website is in English and is providing regular updates in pdf’s.

Hourly Updates

Hour 14
Hour 4
Hour 3
Hour 2
Hour 1

Lap-By-Lap Updates by Matsport Timing

Early days yet of course and after 2 hours Scott Jurek is just behind the leader of the 229 competitors, Dong Mun Lee from Korea, covering 26 km in the first 2 hours. Scott featured in an article in the New York Times a few days ago, Diet and Exercise to the Extremes, where he talks about the race and his ultrarunning goals.
Serge Arbona is 8th and Phil McCarthy is 10th

Leading lady is also an American – Jill Perry on 22km ahead of Hungarian Szilvia Lubics.

The leading UK man is John Pares and leading lady is Pauline Walker.

Race website:

Race photos:

On Twitter:

Scott Jurek

The IAU is posting on its Live Updates section which includes interviews with some of the competing teams. The home of multiday running news and events.

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