Brive 24 Hour World Challenge 2010 – IAU Newsletter

brive_logo_pbac0It is with great pleasure the IAU Executive Council announces that Brive, France will be hosting the 8th IAU 24 Hour World Challenge on May 13-14 2010.

The race under the organization of Pays de Brive Athlétique Club was impressive in its bid to the IAU Council and the Fédération Française de l’Athlétisme (FFA).

The Local Organizing Committee is looking forward to inviting the many athletes and federations to this historic town and making everyone feel at home.

The 24 hour event has increased in its participation since its inception. 2010 promises to once again bring international athletes in good numbers to this very popular IAU event.

More information pertaining to the race will be available in the new year. We are all looking forward to witnessing Brive hosting the 2010 IAU 24 Hour World Challenge. Congrats Brive!

On a different note, I will also like to take this opportunity to invite submissions from our readers. As you might have read, recently I have started two columns:

1) Week(end) Ultrawarrior:Pushing the Envelope on any given Day — someone who is planning on a challenging and enduring race.

2) Champions amongst Champions: In a League of their Own — someone who has performed exceptional at IAU world events and is returning to a race where they have done well.

Runners, who done something exceptional deserve recognition and these columns, assist in highlighting them. Please, contact me if you are or know someone who qualifies for one of the above columns.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We, at the IAU Executive Council, are at your service.

Yours in Sport,
Nadeem Khan
Director of Communications
[email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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