Bislett International Indoor Endurance Festival 2015

Bislett International Indoor Endurance FestivalSpiridon LLL has the pleasure of inviting everyone to a multiday ultrarunning festival – the Bislett International Indoor Endurance Festival 2015 at Bislett Stadium starting November 20th.
This year’s event offers not only a 24-hour race, but a festival where runners will have the opportunity to run 6/12/24 hours or 48 hours. The six hour and 12 hour races will register official marathon times.

This Ultra-festival at Bislett Stadium is open to elite runners, amateurs, and beginners. It is an opportunity to set all sorts of records, as well as push your own limits. Everyone runs under the same conditions.

As the competition nears, information will be sent to all runners stating the few, simple rules of the race. They concern basic politeness and respect for the other runners and also towards the volunteers who are using their spare time, and even taking time off of work to help participants.

Race Directors Sharon and Geir.

Registration website: The home of multiday running news and events.

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