Vol-State 2010

Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 15:37:12 +0000
From: lazarus lake
Subject: vol state road race 2010 (500 kilometers)

I was sure that I had posted on this in the past however many people have told me that I have not.

The vol state road race is set for 2010:

This is the original vol-state road race going back for over 30 years.

The last supper will be held at Ryans in Union City Tennessee on Wednesday July 14.
The ferry ride from Dorena Landing (MO) to Hickman (KY) will take place on Thursday July 15… the first ferry leaves MO at @ 7:30 am. Most of us will ride to the start from KY on the 7:00 am ferry.

  • The race distance is 500km (actually a hair longer) and the race will finish at Castle Rock (GA). The last 1/2 mile is on trails!
  • Time limit is 10 days (50km per day)
  • The course record is 2d 17h (what is that exact time Dewayne?)
  • Relays are allowed… if we ever get enough relay teams we will start them on Saturday morning and let them run down the solo runners!!
  • Two solo divisions aided and unaided.
  • Unaided runners can leave their vehicles at the finish and we will have transportation to the start.
  • There is an e-mail list for Vol-Staters: [email protected]. Just ask to get on if you want to get info on the race.
  • Course Records (you will have to wear your big boy pants to chase these)
  • Relay: (Mike O’Melia, Gary Bently Ned Jones and Barry Crumirne) 2 days 19 hours give or take.
  • Solo Aided: DeWayne Satterfield 3:17:42:12 (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
  • Solo Unaided: Dan (Feral) Fox 5:12:19:11
  • Women: we do not discriminate against women. They are welcome to break these records.
  • Course maps: are available on the internet… maybe John Price will post the link???

This is a hell of an experience. But it is not for the faint of heart.


Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 13:58:43 -0400
From: UltraJohn
Subject: Re: vol state road race 2010 (500 kilometers) (records)

Course maps are hosted on my TransCon web site…. I haven’t heard of any changes so the ones there should be good. Two different versions are on there slightly different maps, same course your choice… The files are rather large PDF’s. Also on there is a Turns Sheet. Giving turn by turn directions. Maps are pretty accurate but hey I did them and I got lost the first time within the first mile! 😉


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