Le Tour du Queyras – 2007

Next year Philippe Delachenal, the Race Director of the Grand Traverse of the Alpes (GTA), will organize the Queyras tour in the same spirit that the GTA was run in. The event will take place from 09th to 14th of september 2007. The Queyras is a national park, southeast of Briançon, in the Southern French Alps.

6 stages with nights in lodgings and refuges, stages with varying degrees of difficulty with amongst other things passage to the Sugar Loaf – 3200m of altitude, a stage of 60km which will involves making the Turn of MT Viso and passage in Italy, you will accumulate 16500m+.
The Tour of Queyras has something for everyonel:
Departure and arrival at Ceillac.
Cost: 500?
Philippe Delachenal
3, chemin de la Réclusière
38200 VIENNE06 19 60 93 09
6 stages with nights in lodgings and refuges which will be identical with the runners of the large turn of Queyras. The price is the same one for the 2 circuits with a reduction for the couples or people of the same family, parents and children.

Checkout the website:Courir et Découvrir

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