24 hores d’Ultrafons en pista – Barcelona (the Barcelona 24 hour 2017) starts at midday local time at the Can Dragó – Av. Meridiana, Barcelona, Spain.
Featuring 24/12/6 hour races plus team events at each distance with some 250 runners taking part.
A fair contingent of Brits have made the trip including local runner (to me) Brian Robb, however William Sichel has had to pull out with a nasty virus.
This year the organisers are broadcasting the 24 hours live on their Youtube Channel at the link below and there will be short videos of 5 minutes recorded with mobil cameras every hour.
Runners who exceed the GOLD LABEL standard (as per IAU standards – 240km for men and 200km for woman) will receive free registration for the 2018 edition of the race.
Youtube Channel:
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